What are skin tags and why do they occur?

As humans, we all want to have flawless and blemish-free skin, but sometimes, our skin has other ideas. One common skin concern that many people experience is skin tags. Skin tags are small, benign growths that can appear anywhere on the body, but are most commonly found on the neck, underarms, and groin. In this blog post, we will discuss what skin tags are, why they occur, and how they can be treated.

What are skin tags?

Skin tags, also known as acrochordons, are small growths of skin that can appear on any part of the body. They are usually flesh-colored or slightly darker and can range in size from a few millimeters to several centimeters. Skin tags are benign and are not harmful, but they can be unsightly or annoying, especially if they rub against clothing or jewelry.

Why do skin tags occur?

The exact cause of skin tags is unknown, but there are several factors that are believed to contribute to their development. One of the most common causes of skin tags is friction or irritation, which can occur in areas where skin rubs against skin or clothing. Hormonal changes, such as those that occur during pregnancy, may also contribute to the development of skin tags. In addition, some people may be genetically predisposed to developing skin tags.

How can skin tags be treated?

Skin tags are usually harmless and do not require treatment. However, if they are causing discomfort or are unsightly, there are several treatment options available. One option is to have the skin tag removed by a dermatologist. This can be done by freezing the skin tag with liquid nitrogen, cutting it off with a scalpel, or using electrocautery to burn it off. Another option is to use over-the-counter creams or solutions to shrink the skin tag, although these are not always effective.

In conclusion, skin tags are a common skin concern that can be unsightly or annoying, but are usually harmless. While the exact cause of skin tags is unknown, there are several factors that are believed to contribute to their development. If you have skin tags that are causing discomfort or are unsightly, it is best to consult with a dermatologist to determine the best course of treatment. With proper treatment, you can have clear, blemish-free skin once again.

If you are experiencing skin tags and are looking for expert advice and treatment, consider visiting Revitalise London Dermatology Clinic. Our team of experienced dermatologists offers a wide range of treatments for skin concerns, including skin tag removal. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about how we can help you achieve clear, healthy skin.