Natural Remedies for Wart Removal: What Are They and Are They Effective? A Guide by Revitalise London Dermatology Clinic


Warts are a common skin condition caused by a virus and can be unsightly and sometimes painful. While there are various medical treatments available for wart removal, some people may prefer to try natural remedies before seeking medical assistance. In this blog post, we will discuss some natural remedies for wart removal and whether they are effective.

Natural Remedies for Wart Removal:

  1. Apple Cider Vinegar: This is a popular natural remedy for wart removal. It is believed that the acidic properties of apple cider vinegar can dissolve the wart over time. To use this remedy, soak a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar, place it on the wart, and cover it with a bandage. Leave it on overnight, and repeat the process for several days.
  2. Tea Tree Oil: Tea tree oil is known for its antiviral and antifungal properties, and it may help to remove warts. To use this remedy, apply a few drops of tea tree oil directly to the wart and cover it with a bandage. Repeat this process daily until the wart falls off.
  3. Garlic: Garlic is believed to have antiviral properties and can be used to remove warts. Crush a garlic clove and apply it directly to the wart, covering it with a bandage. Leave it on overnight and repeat this process until the wart falls off.

Are Natural Remedies Effective?

While natural remedies may be appealing due to their accessibility and affordability, there is limited scientific evidence to support their effectiveness. It is important to note that natural remedies may not work for everyone, and they may take longer to show results than medical treatments.

When to Seek Medical Assistance

If you have tried natural remedies and have not seen any improvement or your wart is painful, bleeding, or has changed in appearance, it is best to see a dermatologist for medical treatment. At Revitalise London Dermatology Clinic, we offer a range of effective wart removal treatments, including cryotherapy, laser therapy, and surgery, which can provide faster and more long-lasting results than natural remedies.


While natural remedies may be appealing, they may not be as effective as medical treatments for wart removal. If you have a painful, bleeding, or changing wart, it is best to see a dermatologist for medical treatment. At Revitalise London Dermatology Clinic, our team of experts can provide effective and safe wart removal treatments, giving you clear and healthy skin once again.